About Us
The Westchester Mishlachat (delegation) is a group of Jewish Agency for Israel’s Shlichim (emissaries), working with the wide Jewish community around Westchester, from early childhood to seniors, across all denominations and in every region in the county.
Our mission is to strengthen the bond between the Westchester Jewish community to Israel and building strong human relationships.
Our Mishlachat is comprised of one senior Shlicha (the head of the delegation), one junior Shlicha, 8 Shinshinim (gap year emissaries) and a coordinator for the Shinshinim program.

Shachar Liran-Hanan
Senior Shlicha to Westchester

Eden Edrei
Junior Shlicha for northern Westchester (sponsored by Tzahal Shalom)

Karen Avnery
Coordinator for the Shinshinim program

Alma Glazer

Evyatar Shiri

Liri Tsruya

Maya Tzabary

Nimrod Ziv

Noy Laufer

Tamar Naveh

Yonatan Kuba

The Shinshin Program
The Shin-Shin program offers a transformative year of service for Israeli youth, allowing
them to volunteer before military duty. In Westchester, these young ambassadors
immerse themselves in local institutions to share Israeli culture, fostering connections
and understanding of contemporary Israel.
Our Partners
Let's Talk!
For more information, please contact Shachar Liran-Hanan, Westchester Shlicha